
Package for navigation between visited buffers with respect to their order of visitation.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


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Package for quick navigation between visited buffers.

IMPORTANT it’s a prototype, it could be buggy a bit.

⚙️ Install


(use-package buffer-hop
  :straight (:host github :repo "artawower/buffer-hop.el")
  :bind (:map evil-normal-state-map
              ("SPC ]" . buffer-hop-next)
              ("SPC [" . buffer-hop-prev)
              ("SPC br" . buffer-hop-jump-to-recently-buffer))
  (setq buffer-hop-ignored-buffers-patterns '("^\\*" "^magit" "^COMMIT_EDITMSG"))
  (setq buffer-hop-disabled-modes '(minibuffer-mode dired-mode))
  (setq buffer-hop-always-allowed-buffers-patterns)