
Test adding NuGet packages in Unity environment

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Unity NuGet

Note 1: These steps only tested in Macos environment
Note 2: This is based on https://medium.com/@alexandredemersroberge/use-nuget-packages-with-unity-25b8525f628

Configuration steps:

  1. Check Mono installation (eg. type in Terminal mono --version)
  2. Open Rider and select creating new Project
  3. Select Class Library (under .NET Framework)
  4. Edit solution name field
  5. Edit solution directory field by choosing Unity project root folder (Rider will create project root folder by itself)
  6. Edit framework field and choose .Net Framework v4.8
  7. Hit Create
  8. [macos] If project has errors related to missing .Net Framework, download it from Mono (https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/). Homebrew will not help
  9. Unload the project (Right click on project in Explorer -> Unload Project)
  10. Double click on project in Explorer to modify its content
  11. To the bottom (right before </Project>) add following:
    <!-- Move the DLL to the Unity project. -->
    <Target Name="AfterBuild">
            <SourceDir Include="bin\Debug\**\*.*" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'"/>
            <SourceDir Include="bin\Release\**\*.*" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'"/>
        <Copy SourceFiles="@(SourceDir)" DestinationFolder="$(TargetDir)" SkipUnchangedFiles="true"/>
  12. Load the project (Right click on project in Explorer -> Load Project)
  13. Install desired NuGet package
  14. Select Debug or Release build configuration
  15. Build solution (hit Build Solution (⌘F9) button)
  16. After successful build you can find newly created dll at {UnityProject}/Assets/Plugins/{SolutionName}/Resources