
Data product - Forestry Analytics App

Primary LanguageR

Developing Data Products - Week 4 Assignment

This Assignment is part of Developing Data Products Course by Coursera. The goal is to make Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch.

This application has applied value for Marketing Department of my employer company (forestry industry).

Web application was made using R and Shiny framework and could be accessed here:
https://abraun.shinyapps.io/Forestry_Analytics/ (please, wait for 1-2 munites while data is being downloaded)

The application consists of 3 files:

  • ui.R (user Interface)
  • server.R (backend)
  • global.R (pre-processing of loaded database and defining global objects).

These files could be found in current repository.

Reprodicible Pitch was made with R Presenter and published with RPubs: http://rpubs.com/Shindler/Forestry_Analytics