
libprotobuf for Unreal Engine 4

Primary LanguagePython

libprotobuf for Unreal Engine 4

Link the google's protocol bufffers library as the third party in Unreal Engine 4.


  • Python v3 (for install and build scripts)
  • depending on you building platform:
    • Windows: CMake and either Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017
    • Linux: clang and Unreal Engine Source Code


  1. Clone or add this repository as submodule to your project directory.
  2. Go into the just created directory and run ./install.py. This will build protobuf and copy the compiled version into the ThirdParty directory of your project (<your project>/Source/ThirdParty/libprotobuf).
  3. Add the libprotobuf as a module into <your project>.Build.cs
  • PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CoreUObject", "Engine", "libprotobuf" });
  1. Generate protobuf code files (header & source, ex: Message.pb.h & Message.pb.cc) of your protocol files (.proto) by protoc for cpp (The protoc executable is located in <your project>/Source/ThirdParty/libprotobuf/bin). (Ref: Google's Protocol Buffers)
  2. Put the resulting files into the source directory of your project.
  3. Regenerate these code files for Unreal Engine 4 by regenerateforue4.py.
    • python regenerateforue4.py Message.pb.h
    • python regenerateforue4.py Message.pb.cc
    • You should get this information: Success to regenerate the code for UE4
  4. Include and use the header file (ex: Message.pb.h) in your .cpp file.
  5. That's all.


  1. https://github.com/code4game/libprotobuf
  2. https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Standalone_Dedicated_Server
  3. https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Linking_Static_Libraries_Using_The_Build_System