
Python code to process, build and visualize MODFLOW models in the Netherlands. Model data is stored in a xarray Datasets and geopandas GeoDataFrames.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Python package with functions to process, build and visualise MODFLOW models in the Netherlands.

The functions in nlmod have four main objectives:

  1. Create and adapt the temporal and spatial discretization of a MODFLOW model using an xarray Dataset (nlmod.dims).
  2. Download and read data from external sources, project this data on the modelgrid and add this data to an xarray Dataset (nlmod.read).
  3. Use data in an xarray Dataset to build modflow packages using FloPy (nlmod.gwf for Modflow 6 and nlmod.modpath for Modpath).
  4. Visualise modeldata in Python (nlmod.plot) or GIS software (nlmod.gis).

More information can be found on the documentation-website: https://nlmod.readthedocs.io/.


Install the module with pip:

pip install nlmod

nlmod has many dependencies xarray, flopy, rasterio, rioxarray, owslib, hydropandas, netcdf4, pyshp, rtree, openpyxl and matplotlib.

When using pip the dependencies are automatically installed. Some dependencies are notoriously hard to install on certain platforms. Please see the dependencies section of the hydropandas package for more information on how to install these packages manually.

Getting started

If you are using nlmod for the first time you need to download the MODFLOW executables. You can easily download these executables by running this Python code:

import nlmod

After you've downloaded the executables you can run the Jupyter Notebooks in the examples folder. These notebooks illustrate how you to use the nlmod package.