
Steganography is a set of techniques for hiding secret data within ordinary data. This software hides messages into .ppm images files

Primary LanguageC++

Steganography with C++ and .PPM files

Steganography is a set of techniques for hiding secret data within ordinary data. This software hides messages into .ppm images files. It's written in Standard C++, no dependencies.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


GNU GCC Compiler OR Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler

Cloning, compiling and running

Instructions to compile

If you are on Windows Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler

git clone https://github.com/ArthoPacini/Steganography
cd Steganography/
path/to/cl.exe /EHsc main.cpp

On GNU GCC Compiler

git clone https://github.com/ArthoPacini/Steganography
cd Steganography/


Right now the input and output paths to images are hard coded on main.cpp, line 12 and 17. This will be changed.


This is a sample image, found on "samples" folder. beach original image

This is the output image, found on "output_images" folder. beach output image it contains "This is a hidden message inside the file! " inside it.


  • Hide a message inside a .ppm image file
  • Decode a message inside a .ppm image file
  • Add symmetric-key cryptography to encoding and decoding of the .ppm image file
  • Add asymmetric-key cryptography to encoding and decoding of the .ppm image file
  • Hide (encode) a file inside a .ppm image file
  • Extract (decode) a file inside a .ppm image file
  • Add support for reading .jpeg, .png and .gif files
  • Add support for writing .jpeg, .png and .gif files
  • Make an electron app and add this code as an node.js addon


Just pull a request, that's it.


  • Artho Pacini - First implementation - Twitter


This project is public domain, you may use it whenever you like, distributed and change it at your own taste.