

To start the development environment, run:

npm run dev 

This command will bring up necessary services using Docker Compose and start the Next.js development server.

Services Management

  • Start services:
npm run services:up
  • Stop services:
npm run services:stop
  • Remove services:
npm run services:down


To check and fix linting issues, you can use the following commands:

  • Check linting:
npm run lint:check
  • Fix linting issues:
npm run lint:fix


To run tests, execute:

npm test

For watching mode during development, you can use:

npm run test:watch

Database Migrations

For managing database migrations, the following commands are available:

  • Create migration:
npm run migrate:create
  • Apply migrations:
npm run migrate:up
  • Rollback migrations:
npm run migrate:down

Postman Examples

For examples and documentation of API endpoints, please refer to the Postman collection available HERE


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