
Data structures / algorithms implementations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Data structures / Algorithms


This repository is solely for my own personal growth of learning data structures and algorithms. I strongly believe that continued practice of algorithms and absorbtion of knowledge regarding computer science will help me become a better developer overall. I never got the chance to get a computer science degree when I was younger so I am self-studying myself in order to continue and improve my problem solving capabilities and general fundamentals.

My general approach to a problem is to spend a few minutes talking to myself with a pen and paper to jot down edge cases and expected return outputs before trying to implement the code in an IDE. After I have completed the initial implementation by hand and step through of my hand-written code, I code it up on my computer. If I have extra time, I will review on a whiteboard.

Please follow the instructions below if you would like to spin up the test suite for yourself.

A list of topics I study

  • Big O (time / space complexity)
  • Data structures
  • Searching / Sorting Algorithms
  • General Algorithm Questions
  • Recursion


System Requirements
  • Node.js v10
  • NPM v6
  • Jest v26

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/ArthurHwang/data-structures-algorithms.git

Install jest globally

npm i -g jest

Run the test suite

npm run test or npm run test:cov for coverage reporting
