
Ansible playbook have goal to install devops Devops Tools.

Primary LanguageShell

Ansible Playbook for Setting Up a Development Environment

This Ansible playbook automates the installation of various services and tools commonly used in a development environment.

Table of Contents


  • Ansible installed on the control machine.
  • Appropriate permissions to execute Ansible tasks on target hosts.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/ArthurMaverick/linux-bootstraper.git
    cd linux-bootstraper
  2. Update the inventory file with your target hosts.

  3. Run the Ansible playbook:

    ansible-playbook -i inventory/proxmox/servers.yaml playbooks/rocky_bootstrap.yaml -v

Installed Services

The playbook installs the following services:

  • SSH: Installs and configures OpenSSH server.
  • Firewall: Installs firewalld and configures it to allow SSH.
  • Docker: Installs Docker Engine and adds the user to the docker group.
  • Git: Installs Git.
  • Terraform: Installs Terraform.
  • Kubectl: Installs Kubernetes kubectl.
  • K9s: Installs K9s, a Kubernetes CLI.
  • Fonts: Downloads and installs NerdFonts for a better terminal experience.
  • Zsh: Installs Zsh, Oh-My-Zsh, Powerlevel10k theme, and plugins.
  • Go: Installs Golang.
  • Folder Structure: Creates project directories.
  • AWS CLI and AWS Vault: Installs and configures the AWS CLI and AWS Vault.
  • NeoVim: (Include additional information about NeoVim configuration.)
  • gcloud: Install google cloud CLI.

Folder Structure

The playbook creates the following directory structure:

  • /root/projects
  • /root/templates
  • /root/scripts
  • /root/config

AWS Configuration

The playbook installs the AWS CLI and configures it. (Include additional details if necessary.)

AWS Vault

Installs and configures AWS Vault for secure AWS credentials management.

NeoVim Configuration

(Include additional information about NeoVim configuration if applicable.)

Pre Commit

Install and pre-commit to keep best practices on terraform and yaml and golang services