
API for url-shortener

Primary LanguageRuby



GET /urls/:id

Should returns a 301 redirect to the original address of the URL. Receive a optional existing user login: {"login": "joao"} If not pass login, the hit will save without user_id.


301 Redirect

If id does not exist in the system, the return must be a 404 Not Found.

POST /urls

Register a new url. Params: {"url": "http://www.google.com.br/t3st3"}

The response is a JSON object equal to the call GET /stats/:id with code 201 Created.

  "id": "23094",
  "hits": 0,
  "url": "http://www.google.com.br/t3st3",
  "shortUrl": "http://<host>[:<port>]/asdfeiba"

GET /stats

Returns general statistics.

  "hits": 193841, // Quantidade de hits em todas as urls do sistema
  "urlCount": 2512, // Quantidade de urls cadastradas
  "topUrls": [
    "id": "23094",
    "hits": 153,
    "url": "www.google.com.br/t3st3",
    "shortUrl": "http://<host>[:<port>]/asdfeiba"
    "id": "23090",
    "hits": 89,
    "url": "www.google.com.br/t3st3",
    "shortUrl": "http://<host>[:<port>]/asdfeiba"
// ...

GET /users/:userId/stats

Returns statistics of a user's urls. The result is the same as GET /stats but with the scope within a user. If the user does not exist the return must be code 404 Not Found.

GET /stats/:id

Returns statistics for a specific URL

  "id": "23094",
  "hits": 0,
  "url": "http://www.google.com.br/t3st3",
  "shortUrl": "http://short.url.com/asdfeiba"

DELETE /urls/:id

Deletes URL.

POST /users

Create a user. Receive the login: {"login": "joao"}


  "id": 1,
  "login": "joao"

DELETE /user/:userId

Deletes a user.


  • Ruby 2.5.1
  • Rails 5.2.3
  • PostgreSQL 9.4+
  • Node.js 5.x.x+

This project can be configured and started on a docker container or directly in your machine.

Setup without docker

1. Environment Dependencies

2. Environment Variables

Create a file named .env on the root of the project with the following content and replace with your the database info


3. Database

You must add the database variables on .env described above. Create a database directly on PostgreSQL (with psql) or use:

  rails db:create // create a default database following .env

After that run:

  rails db:migrate // add tables

4. Bundle

bundle install

5. Run aplication

  rails s


Update your test env database:

RAILS_ENV=test rails db:drop
RAILS_ENV=test rails db:create
RAILS_ENV=test rails db:migrate

And run the tests:


Docker Installation and enviroment configuration Guide

The installation of the docker can be done in several ways. The standart guide for instalation can be found here LINK

The installation from the repository can be done by following the steps below

  • Repository configuration
1. sudo apt-get update
2. sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
3. curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
4. sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
5. sudo add-apt-repository 
   "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu 
   $(lsb_release -cs) 
  • Docker CE installation (Required)
1. sudo apt-get update
2. sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io 

The installation via package can be performed following the following steps (Optional)

1. download the package through this link:  https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/
2. Access the directory where the download was done
3. Execute the command: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/package.deb

Script way installation (More faster)

if you want to install everything directly, in path script/docker/, has one file install-docker.sh

1. In your local machine execute the permission for script: sudo chmod +x install-docker.sh
2. Execute the script: ./install-docker.sh

Commands for container build, run and access

  • To build the container Add --tag for made run more easier
    sudo docker build . --tag url-shortener
  • To start the container, with enviroments variables
  • Container access
    docker exec -it url-shortener bash

How to run the test suite

  • Enter on container
    docker exec -it url-shortener bash
  • Run database configuration for test
    RAILS_ENV=test rails db:create
    RAILS_ENV=test rails db:migrate
  • Run tests
    bundle exec rspec