
Just creating a pomodoro to test my programming skills

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Install node (I recommend using NVM)
  2. Clone the Repo
  3. Browse to the Pomodoro folder
  4. Install applicatication by running:
    $ npm install
  5. Create a .env file with the following varibles:
    BOT_TOKEN="Here you must enter the token provided by Botfather"
  6. To start the pomodoro bot run:
    $ npm start
    $ npm run dev

To do:

  • Test the timer MVP
  • Create a CLI
  • Create a Webserver
  • Create Users
  • Create a Telegram bot
    • Create events chaining
    • Enable text configuration (e.g. /work 30 -> Start a pomodoro with 30 min duration)
    • Enable inline bot
  • Create Frontend