
A C++ dataflow node editor -- Compatible with WebAssembly.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


travis issues license contributors

SMKFLOW is a node editor in C++ compatible with WebAssembly using SMK


  • Compatible with WebAssembly.
  • The permissive MIT license.
  • Use CMake FetchContent. No download is needed. You use the cmake snippet below to depends on smkflow.

Warning. This is an active project. Please do not expect the API to be stable for the next few months.


Use the ./examples/ directory. This produce the following webassembly demo


The API consists of 4 files:

  • Model.hpp Let you define how your nodes will look like. Please try example: ./examples/minimal.cpp.

  • Elements.hpp Contains the public definition elements composing the view at runtime. You can use them to query/update the view. See ./examples/algebra.cpp file.

  • Constants.hpp Contains the default sizes and colors the library is using for staying consistant. Feel free to fork and modify this file to make smkflow suits your needs.

  • Widget/. Every nodes can display some GUI inside. This directory contains the GUI public interface. You can also easily define your own components if needed.


Include the following lines in your CMake and you are ready to go.


  GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/ArthurSonzogni/smkflow
  GIT_TAG master # Please choose a fixed commit hash here.

if(NOT smkflow_POPULATED)
  add_subdirectory( ${smkflow_SOURCE_DIR} ${smkflow_BINARY_DIR} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)

Then link your application with smkflow:

target_link_library(my_applcation PRIVATE smkflow::smkflow)

Want to contribute?

Feel free to post issues, ask questions or submit any work to this repository.