Practical Project


This project is a requirement of the Computer Science curriculum, in the subject of Introduction to Algorithms, from the Federal University of Lavras, Brazil. The activity was proposed to us so that the students in each group, composed of by 3 people, could choose, even if in a conflicting way, the subject they would address.

The subject that this group chose to address deals with Plants, meeting, in principle, the following requirements:

  • Reading and writing CSV and binary files;
  • Search;
  • Amendment;

In order to meet the minimum requirements of what was called checkpoint, the search methods used are, up to the present moment, linear. Later it will be necessary to add a binary search process and ordering of the file contents into a vector, using smart sorting algorithms based on at least two fields.

Group members.

The group members are:

  • Arthur Valadares Campideli;
  • Hugo Prado Lima;
  • Gustavo Henrique Marinho Carvalho;

All members belong to the Introduction to Algorithms class, class 10A.

To access the project source code, visit:


If you want to clone the project so that you have it on your machine, you can do so using git:

git clone


C/C++: 12.2.0 Cmake minimum version required: 3.26 Ninja version: 1.10.1

Recommend: GCC 12.2.0

How to compile

Load Cmake

 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=/path/to/ninja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/cc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/c++ -G Ninja -S /path/to/practicalProject -B /path/to/practicalProject/cmake-build-release


cmake --build /path/to/directory/practicalProject/cmake-build-release --target practicalProject -j 6

Alternatively, you can also see the release section of the repository on github


Inside cmake-build-release will be the executable called practicalProject, run it.