
# My python scripts for crypto

Primary LanguagePython


Here, in order to work on the TP, use telnet crypta.fil.cool


Use python 0.0sign.py "string to sign". It should print out the hexadecimal string onbtained using the private-key.pem.

Lab Work in TME room

They are all available using python 1.0TME.py <TME n°>

  • #5 TME #1 : équation linéaire diophantienne
  • #7 TME #2 : théorème des restes chinois
  • #11 TME #3 : ordre d'un groupe
  • #13 TME #4 : pohlig

Bakka, server, digicode and friandise

Downloader and uploader :

  • Use downloader on "me"
  • Use uploader on me with the new code, voiding the warranty