
OSM data + MapboxGL + geolocation = app takes me to the pub

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Take me to the pub

A pub finding web application. Using the current location of the user, the application finds local drinking establishments which are then presented to the user on an interactive map.

Live demo (requires geolocation and UK only)


  • Search by tag name (e.g. "food", "craft-beer", "Samuel Smith" etc)
  • Walking directions from current location to selected pub
  • Search from a different starting point

Table of contents


The basic structure of the application is as follows:

  • The database (MongoDB) holds:
    • location data in geoJSON format.
    • tag information grouped by category (e.g. pub operators)
  • The client queries the database (via the API on server) in order to get the relevant local location info.
  • The client displays this location data on an interactive map using MapboxGL


The client uses Mapbox GL for showing the local pub locations. Since this is the primary use of the application, the site was built without any front-end framework. HTML, JS, SCSS.

  • On load the application requires user geolocation data. Using this location, the API is used to return all of the tags which are available in the local area.
  • The user can choose to filter the results of the search based on these tags
  • The search results in an API call which returns all local locations fitting the search criteria which are then displayed on the map rendered by Mapbox.
  • The locations are represented by markers which can be expanded to either see more information about the location or even edited. (note: edited locations are verified by an admin before being updated.)
  • Custom map controls:
    • Walking directions to selected locations.
    • Teleport - allows user to search from locations which are not current geolocation.
    • Toggle dark mode


Provides the API. An Express server (connected to MongoDB) that provides the client with the API for accessing local location and tag data. Admin routes: provides routes for updating locations and adding new tags.

This folder also includes the script for seeding the intial database (./database). See Data for more information.


This folder contains files used to manipulate the OSM data to make seed files for the MongoDB. (*) Not included in git

  • (*) rawdata the raw geoJSON data from OpenStreetMap. (downloaded using Overpass API)

    • example query "pubs in greater"
  • sanitzeCollection.js node file used to create the seed files for the database.

    • reduces raw geoJSON collection by:
      • reducing polygon locations to single points of interest.
      • strips out unwanted properties (e.g. "roof", "wikidata")
      • extracts all relevant tag data
    • Creates seed files:
      • pointLocation.json
      • tagCategory.json
  • getProps.js helper node file used to investigate properties of a geojson collections


The project is ongoing and requires some tweaks before being production ready:

Security :

  • Admin routes are currently unprotected...! Authentication system required here.
  • Sanitizing user input
  • Sanitizing raw geoJSON data (URLs are possibly an issue)



  1. The project needs some additional pages: about and contact.
  2. The current implementation does not let allow you to reselect tags when on the map page.
  3. Refine design for larger screen sizes.


  1. Since this project uses OSM data and the idea is that this dataset improves as users edit and update locations, a way of feeding the improved dataset back into OSM would be a great way of contributing to the excellent project that is OSM. Updated locations are already currently tracked.
  2. Possibly as an alternative to the above: Merge a new OSM dataset with existing dataset whilst keeping all of the the edits made in this app.