"Dynamic Tiling Display", Mobile Information Systems, SS 2017

Authors: Andrii Artamonov Aftab Chowdhury

How to run the application

You have to establish the Wi-Fi connection between devices. You can do it manually using Android preferences to get the connection on both devices done or using the application by itself. You will be notified when the connection is established by corresponding prompts in the last case.

When the connection is established close both apps follow the next steps:

  1. Place smartphones close to each other. It doesn’t have to be very close, but it is recommended to be.
  2. Run both devices and you will be notified about their initial role distributions (Client or Server) through toasts. You can change these roles after handshaking part (after step 4)
  3. Start application on a Server.
  4. Start application on a Client.
  5. Choose an image on the server or client side. The initial roles from now on do not matter.
  6. Stitch the image using floating button from right to left or the other way round. The extra round movements which were introduced in our presentation are not necessary.
  7. Stitch the image on a client side.

For repeating the stitching process without closing the application:

  1. Press Disconnect button on a device with Server initial role.
  2. Press Disconnect button on a device with Client initial role.
  3. Repeat step 5.