Reloadable containers in Python
This repo shows a recipe for reloadable containers in Python. We often face an issue that our long running services need some parts to be reloadable without restart of such service. To achieve this I implemented simple abstract class that wraps any container we could use. Simply implement two methods _initialize_data
and _fill_data
and you will have your container reloaded every few second as you can specify. This code run under Python 3.
>>> from reloadable_containers import ReloadableList
>>> l = ReloadableList("content_list.txt", reload_every_secs=5)
>>> print(len(l))
Then you can add something to file:
$ echo "" > content_list.txt
And your running application will now respond differently:
>>> print(len(l))
>>> print(l[-1])
Similarly with json:
>>> from reloadable_containers import ReloadableList
>>> j = ReloadableJson("content.json")
>>> print(j.get("lastName", "MISSING"))