
AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture) is a standardization initiative of leading automotive OEMs and suppliers and was founded in autumn 2003. The goal is to develop a reference architecture for ECU software, which can overcome the growing complexity of software in modern vehicles.

/* FUNC macro for the declaration and definition of functions rettype return type of the function memclass classification of the function itself */

define FUNC(rettype, memclass) rettype /* PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* FUNC_P2CONST macro for declaration and definition of functions returning a pointer to a constant rettype return type of the function ptrclass defines the classification of the pointer's distance memclass classification of the function itself */

define FUNC_P2CONST(rettype, ptrclass, memclass) const rettype* /* PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* FUNC_P2VAR macro for the declaration and definition of functions returning a pointer to a variable rettype return type of the function ptrclass defines the classification of the pointer's distance memclass classification of the function itself */

define FUNC_P2VAR(rettype, ptrclass, memclass) rettype* /* PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* P2VAR macro for the declaration and definition of pointers in RAM, pointing to variables ptrtype type of the referenced variable memory class memclass classification of the pointer's variable itself ptrclass defines the classification of the pointer's distance */

define P2VAR(ptrtype, memclass, ptrclass) ptrtype* /* PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* P2CONST macro for the declaration and definition of pointers in RAM, pointing to constants ptrtype type of the referenced data memclass classification of the pointer's variable itself ptrclass defines the classification of the pointer's distance */

define P2CONST(ptrtype, memclass, ptrclass) const ptrtype* /* PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* CONSTP2VAR macro for the declaration and definition of constant pointers accessing variables ptrtype type of the referenced data memclass classification of the pointer's variable itself ptrclass defines the classification of the pointer's distance */

define CONSTP2VAR(ptrtype, memclass, ptrclass) ptrtype const / PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* CONSTP2CONST macro for the declaration and definition of constant pointers accessing constants ptrtype type of the referenced data memclass classification of the pointer's variable itself ptrclass defines the classification of the pointer's distance */

define CONSTP2CONST(ptrtype, memclass, ptrclass) const ptrtype const / PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* P2FUNC macro for the type definition of pointers to functions rettype return type of the function ptrclass defines the classification of the pointer's distance fctname function name respectively name of the defined type */

define P2FUNC(rettype, ptrclass, fctname) rettype (* fctname) /* PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* CONSTP2FUNC macro for the type definition of constant pointers to functions rettype return type of the function ptrclass defines the classification of the pointer's distance fctname function name respectively name of the defined type */

define CONSTP2FUNC(rettype, ptrclass, fctname) rettype (const fctname) / PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* CONST macro for the declaration and definition of constants type type of the constant memclass classification of the constant itself */

define CONST(type, memclass) const type /* PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */

/* VAR macro for the declaration and definition of variables vartype type of the variable memclass classification of the variable itself */

define VAR(vartype, memclass) vartype /* PRQA S 3410 / / MD_Compiler_19.10 */