Auto-Marketplace API

About project:

It's RESTful API for selling vehicles with, personal/advertisement information managment and login/registration process.

Authorization​ controller

Method URL Description
POST /api/v1/sign-in Sign-in to upload and manage sale advertisements.
POST /api/v1/sign-up Sign-up as seller.

Seller​ controller

Method URL Description
GET /api/v1/sellers Retrieve all sellers.
GET /api/v1/sellers/find-by-id{id} Find seller by id.
GET /api/v1/sellers/find-by-email{email} Find seller by email.
GET /api/v1/sellers/find-by-phoneNumber{phoneNumber} Find seller by phone number.
POST /api/v1/sellers/edit{id} Edit seller information.
DELETE /api/v1/sellers{id} Delete seller by id.

Sale advertisement controller

Method URL Description
GET /api/v1/sale-advertisements Retrieve all sale advertisements.
GET /api/v1/sale-advertisements/images Retrieve all sale advertisements images.
GET /api/v1/sale-advertisements/filter-by-id{id} Find advertisement by id.
GET /api/v1/sale-advertisements/images{id} Find sale advertisement image by id.
GET /api/v1/sale-advertisements/filter-by-type{type} Find sale advertisements by vehicle type.
GET /api/v1/sale-advertisements/filter-by-brand{brand} Find sale advertisements by vehicle brand.
GET /api/v1/sale-advertisements/filter-by-year{year} Find sale advertisements by vehicle production year.
POST /api/v1/sale-advertisements/add Add sale advertisement.
POST /api/v1/sale-advertisements/edit{id} Edit sale advertisement information.
POST /api/v1/sale-advertisements/images/add{id} Add sale advertisement image.
DELETE /api/v1/sale-advertisements{id} Delete sale advertisement by id.
DELETE /api/v1/sale-advertisements/images{id} Delete sale advertisement image by id.

Random controller

Method URL Description
GET /api/v1/random-advertisements Retrive 15 random advertisements.

Also you can get detailed documentation by accessing /swagger-ui/index.html#/

How to start:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Connect your database in src/main/resources/ with valid credentials.

To use api you can register your own account or use already created one.


Email :

Password : admin2023


Email :

Password : user2023


  1. Java 17
  2. Spring Boot, MVC, Data Jpa, Security, JDBC
  3. Hibernate
  4. PostgreSQL
  5. Flyway
  6. Swagger
  7. Log4j2
  8. JUnit, Mockito
  9. Jackson
  10. Lombok
  11. Maven