
find nix strictDeps problems

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find strictDeps problems

point the NIXGITS env var to a directory containing a nixpkgs dir

That repo will be compared to the current dir you're in so make sure both are at the same rev

diffing ".#bash" will build bash in both repositories and then diff their outputs this is to allow you to make changes in my-nixpkgs and then run diffing again


nix run "github:Artturin/diffing" ".#bash"

example of making a attrlist file

cat ./pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix | rg "shells" | sort -hk1 | cut -f1 -d '=' | sed 's/  //' > attrlist

mass enabling strictDeps in a dependency tree

first i run

nix-diff $(nix eval --raw ".#bash.drvPath") $(nix eval --raw --expr 'with import ./. { config = { strictDepsByDefault = true; }; }; bash.drvPath' --impure)

then i pick derivations which don't already have strictDeps, for example

• The input derivation named `libffi-3.4.2` differs
  - /nix/store/0m0ijn5d1nh5mfxg5y687br7ywvqlw3b-libffi-3.4.2.drv:{dev,out}
  + /nix/store/pdab3mkc93a6llj9x3xakrx5bfv0nkm1-libffi-3.4.2.drv:{dev,out}
  • The environments do not match:

then i put the attr in a attrlist file and run

diffing --file attrlist

and read through the whole diff and if it looks fine i enable strictDeps