
Biocore bootcamp

MIT LicenseMIT

Sequence Analysis Bootcamp Winter 2022

This bootcamp intend to use UMMS Cluster and requires UMMS cluster account.

  1. Session 1: Linux environment

  2. Session 2.1: UMass Cluster

    Session 2.2: Useful commands and tools

  3. Session 3.1: Genomic resources

    Session 3.2: FASTA/FASTQ

    Session 3.3: SAM/BAM

  4. Session 4: RNA-Seq data processing and analysis

  5. Session 5.1: NGS data processing on DolphinNext

    Optional Session: Building Pipeline on DolphinNext

  6. Session 6: R and R Studio

  7. Session 7: DE Analysis using DEBrowser

  8. Session 8: Single Cell RNA Analysis, Day 1

    Instructions for Session 8

  9. Session 9: Single Cell RNA Analysis, Day 2