
import mesh, skeleton, animation from psk, psa files to blender3d

Primary LanguagePython

Blender3D Import psk psa addon

Changes from original release
  • Blender 2.80+ support
  • Fixed animation/skeleton import
  • Psa: using .config generated by UModel
  • Panel UI updated: All actions to NLA track, Mesh / skeleton or both import, Scale down, Vertex color


  • Releases -> _280.py file.

    Blender 2.7x ?

  • Releases -> Source code (zip) -> (use _270.py version)


  • Edit -> Preferences... -> Add-ons -> Install...

    Blender 2.7x ?

  • File -> User preferences -> Add-ons -> Install Add-on from File...

Install manually

Blender will look for .py add-ons there:
(you may need to create folders manually for your blender version!)

%APPDATA%\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\  
%APPDATA%\Blender Foundation\Blender\ _version_ \scripts\addons\

Blender 2.7x ?

Disable original add-on:
Import Unreal Skeleton Mesh (.psk)/Animation Set (.psa)

Enable this one:
Import Unreal Skeleton Mesh (.psk)/Animation Set (.psa) (280)


Panel in 3DView (270) Panel in 3DView (280)