
API for a simple store using Ruby on Rails.

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails Multi-Tenancy Products Store (WIP)

RESTful API to list and categorize products by store. It was design to be consumed by a simple website and a Admin page. One interesting architecture aspect of this project is that the system is designed to serve multiple stores and their users using the same instance, like a marketplace. The main purpose of this project is to practice Ruby on Rails concepts and share with recruiters.


Simplified entity relation diagram of the project database. https://whimsical.com/erd-7wCVtxvayhgy3PxbeUnuYP


Endpoints that the API provides. https://whimsical.com/endpoints-Vh6H1SxjfoLADLZRidvfVi


Unified model language to describe the functionalities of the system. https://whimsical.com/uml-AJURGu9JU396heFEstEYn

Sugested Wireframe

Sugested wireframe of a webpage on which this API should be consumed. https://whimsical.com/wireframe-A1CNjnGvYR5VHY17GLiQFc

Running the project

The easiest way to run this project locally is using docker-compose.

Build App & Run App

docker-compose build
docker-compose run

Configure Database

Command to create db, run migrations and create seed files.

docker-compose run api rails db:create db:migrate db:seed

Run Tests

To run the tests locally run the following command.

docker-compose run api rspec

Run linter

docker-compose run api rubocop

Next Steps

  • Properly configure environment variables.

  • Allow users to have multiple stores by creating a bridge table (UserStore).

  • Implement image upload using Active Storage and S3.

  • Implement seed data.

  • Add Redis for cache.

  • Create Open API documentation.