The list of tools that every developer might want to have installed.
- fzf
Command line fuzzy finder allows to select the command ending interactively.
- the silver searcher
Very fast an powerful file search tool.
- how2
Search for commands directy from the command line.
- navi
Personalised history of easily querable commands.
- forgit
Easily use git from the command line. Features fzf.
- exa
Modern replacement for ls.
- bat
Modern replacement for cat.
- htop
Modern replacement for htop.
- thefuck
Corrects the last ill-entered command.
- Typescript-starter
Great way to set up a new typescript project through a nice wizzard.
- Ava
Most popular test runner for Node today.
- Stern
Kubernetes utility to easily see colored logs from multiple containers.
- Kubectx & Kubens
Small utility to switch through clusters and namespaces smoothly.
- kubectl-tree
Can present dependency trees of Kubernetes resources.
- OmniFocus
Great task management software.
- OmniGraffle
Leading charting software. Destroys anything you know.
- Sourcetree
The best GIT repository manager.
- Proxyman
A tool for sniffing the network traffic in a pleasant and MacOS-compliant way.
- MarginNote
Cross-reference documents with annotations on a mindmap in a single application.
- Mosaic
Best workspace window organizer out there.
- Apptivate
Easily assign global shortcuts to your applications. Pressing a combination will bring the application forward instantly if opened or open if not present.
- Enpass
Free but comprehensive and goregously designed password manager with actually working extensions for all major browsers including Safari.
- Magnet
Extremelly simple, predictable and neat window manager.
- Trickster
Keeps recently used items in the top bar icon with quick search capability.
- HazeOver
Distraction dimmer that dimms inactive windows so you can focus on the active one. Great for people who overuse maximization to their own peril.
- Gifox
Great and lightweight alternative to Snagit. Perfect for recording and quickly sharing lightweight window recordings.
- Dash
Great and standardized documentation browser application. Most languages, frameworks and libraries are there! Comes with integration with all popular code editors for quick searching.
- Itsycal
Small and neat calendar widget in your taskbar, fully integrated with the system calendar.
- Dim the icons of hidden applications in dock
defaults write showhidden -bool YES && killall Dock
- Enable highlight hover effect for the grid view of a stack (Dock)
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -bool true
- Set the icon size of Dock items to 36 pixels
defaults write tilesize -int 36
- Change minimize/maximize window effect
defaults write mineffect -string "scale"
- Minimize windows into their application’s icon
defaults write minimize-to-application -bool true
- Enable spring loading for all Dock items
defaults write enable-spring-load-actions-on-all-items -bool true
- Show indicator lights for open applications in the Dock
defaults write show-process-indicators -bool true
- Show only open applications in the Dock
defaults write static-only -bool true
- Don’t animate opening applications from the Dock
defaults write launchanim -bool false
- Speed up Mission Control animations
defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.1
- Disable Dashboard
defaults write mcx-disabled -bool true
- Don’t show Dashboard as a Space
defaults write dashboard-in-overlay -bool true
- Don’t automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use
defaults write mru-spaces -bool false
- Remove the auto-hiding Dock delay
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0
- Remove the animation when hiding/showing the Dock
defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0
- Automatically hide and show the Dock
defaults write autohide -bool true
- Make Dock icons of hidden applications translucent
defaults write showhidden -bool true
- Don’t show recent applications in Dock
defaults write show-recents -bool false
- netshoot
A swiss knife for network debugging.