Atria is designed to trim adapters and low-quality bases of next-generation sequencing data. It infers the insert DNA precisely by integrating both adapter information and reverse-complementary properties of pair-end reads within a delicate decision tree.
If you use Atria, please cite the paper:
Jiacheng Chuan, Aiguo Zhou, Lawrence Richard Hale, Miao He, Xiang Li, Atria: an ultra-fast and accurate trimmer for adapter and quality trimming, Gigabyte, 1, 2021
- FAST, even for compressed fastqs
- Highly accurate Illumina adapter trimming
- Paired-end consensus calling
- Quality trimming
- Poly X tail trimming
- Hard clip 3' and 5' ends
- N tail trimming
- Filtering reads by the number of N bases
- Filtering reads by length
- Filtering reads by read complexity