
C# source code for using USB camera in WinForms/WPF. With only single CSharp source code. No external library required.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


C# source code for using USB camera in WinForms/WPF.
With only single CSharp source code. No external library required.

How to use

Add UsbCamera.cs to your project.

// [How to use]
// check USB camera is available.
string[] devices = UsbCamera.FindDevices();
if (devices.Length == 0) return; // no camera.
// check format.
int cameraIndex = 0;
UsbCamera.VideoFormat[] formats = UsbCamera.GetVideoFormat(cameraIndex);
for(int i=0; i<formats.Length; i++) Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", i, formats[i]);
// create usb camera and start.
var camera = new UsbCamera(cameraIndex, formats[0]);
// get image.
// Immediately after starting the USB camera,
// GetBitmap() fails because image buffer is not prepared yet.
var bmp = camera.GetBitmap();
// show image in PictureBox.
var timer = new System.Timers.Timer(100) { SynchronizingObject = this };
timer.Elapsed += (s, ev) => pbxScreen.Image = camera.GetBitmap();

// release resource when close.
this.FormClosing += (s, ev) => timer.Stop();
this.FormClosing += (s, ev) => camera.Stop();

if WPF

By default, GetBitmap() returns image of System.Drawing.Bitmap.
If WPF, define 'USBCAMERA_WPF' symbol that makes GetBitmap() returns image of BitmapSource.

Adjust Tilt, Zoom, Exposure, Brightness, Contrast, etc...

// adjust properties.
UsbCamera.PropertyItems.Property prop;
prop = camera.Properties[DirectShow.CameraControlProperty.Exposure];
if (prop.Available)
    // get current value
    var val = prop.GetValue();
    // set new value
    var min = prop.Min;
    var max = prop.Max;
    var def = prop.Default;
    var step = prop.Step;
    prop.SetValue(DirectShow.CameraControlFlags.Manual, def);

prop = camera.Properties[DirectShow.VideoProcAmpProperty.WhiteBalance];
if (prop.Available && prop.CanAuto)
    prop.SetValue(DirectShow.CameraControlFlags.Auto, 0);

Special Thanks.

This project make use of a part of source code of the project below. Thank you!


You can make H264 recorder by using UsbCamera and OpenH264Lib.NET and AviWriter(in MotionJPEGWriter).
See README.md in OpenH264Lib.NET.

You can make MotionJPEG movie with audio, see README.md in AudioIO.