Project #1
A few days ago, I saw a meme on Instagram. The meme was a bunch of similar looking images arranged in a matrix. I thought it would be a nice little project, if I could train a simple CNN model to predict each images. Above that, I train a Main model which has the ability to predict with class each images belongs to.
- Image is fed
- Main model predicts which class it belong to, out of 8 classes:
a. Chihuahua V Muffin
b. Kitten V Ice Cream
c. Labradoodle V Fried Chicken
d. Parrot V Guacamole
e. Puppy V Bagel
f. Sheepdog V Mop
g. Shiva Inu V Marshmallow
h. Sloth V Croissant - Then, individually trained models, classifies it in binary.
- Class and label is printed, along with the image.
Original Images:
Full Disclosure, the modela are pretty bad....given the very few images available to train.
But overall, it works amazingly.