Full Stack Web Dev | Web Dev Team @google DSC | SIH'24 Winner | LeetCode (420+) | Enthusiastic about ML | CSE-AIML '26 | Eyeing SDE roles.
Pinned Repositories
This is a gui based python tkinter made prompt asking mechanism to get the required answers.
WeatherMe is a website for the HackUrWay Hackathon in our college that displays weather details. Under Development.
A Vite + React , Tailwind and Open Library Search API responsive website where you can search your book of interest and get details about the book. Made by Godard && 💜.
This is a multiplayer cross platform game of Number Roulette game made with websocket , vite + react , typescript && tailwind.
Only codes in python for the online train ticket booking system. More values are to be added.
Petme is a website where you can either buy or sell the pet of your choice. Features like Sign-In and making pets data for sells are also available. Made with Vite+React, Tailwind, Firebase.
This repository contains the project created for GDSC Solution Challenge 2023 Hackathon
Promptimaginator is a Prompt image generator website made using HonoJS, React, Typescript & Replicate.
This is a website with NextJS, Typescript, ShadCn, Tailwind, Prisma and NeonDB to generate template code for a given link for your website that will provide real reviews for direct one step use !
It is a superhero details website built with a clean, efficient, and industry-standard coding structure. The project utilizes Vite, React, Tailwind CSS, ShadCN, TypeScript, and TanStack Query (React Query), along with the Superhero API. Additionally, caching has been implemented for enhanced performance and efficiency.
ArunavaCoderEm's Repositories
Decorating profile
It's a terminal based project code that takes datas from the user and calculates MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE, VARIANCE, STANDARD DEVIATION Or as we call it CENTRAL TENDENCY. NOT USING ANY LIBRARY.
One of the Websites that I made before finalizing my current Portfolio Website
All my Second semester_First Year C programming language code done in lab practice.
This is a simple python GUI to download any youtube video ! Just paste the URL in given section and CHILLAX till "Vidoe Downloaded" pops up !
The Indian Flag with black and white colour made with python turtle animation.
It's a simple full fledged Library Management System made using Python. Feel free to add your favourite books name or author name in the file.
This repository contains the project created for GDSC Solution Challenge 2023 Hackathon
Promptimaginator is a Prompt image generator website made using HonoJS, React, Typescript & Replicate.
All My Hackerrank Python Problems Including Algorithms And Data Structures In One File.
This is a website with NextJS, Typescript, ShadCn, Tailwind, Prisma and NeonDB to generate template code for a given link for your website that will provide real reviews for direct one step use !
Hackathon Website HackUrWay (WeatherMe)
Python GUI that gives you weather details by hearing (also you can type-in) in both text and voice form.
eDemy Website
It's a food recipe generator fully responsive website made using vite react , tailwind and API and 💜.
This is a gui based python tkinter made prompt asking mechanism to get the required answers.
A Vite + React , Tailwind and Open Library Search API responsive website where you can search your book of interest and get details about the book. Made by Godard && 💜.
This is a multiplayer cross platform game of Number Roulette game made with websocket , vite + react , typescript && tailwind.
Petme is a website where you can either buy or sell the pet of your choice. Features like Sign-In and making pets data for sells are also available. Made with Vite+React, Tailwind, Firebase.
It is a superhero details website built with a clean, efficient, and industry-standard coding structure. The project utilizes Vite, React, Tailwind CSS, ShadCN, TypeScript, and TanStack Query (React Query), along with the Superhero API. Additionally, caching has been implemented for enhanced performance and efficiency.
Todo web application made with vite-react , typescript, tailwind that tracks your uncompleted tasks with priority display.
A website built using Vite, React, TypeScript, HonoJS, and Tailwind where users can sign up either as service providers, such as mechanics or car cleaners, or as paying service recipients who wish to avail these services.
These are all my Data Structure And Algorithm Codes From My 3RD Semester. Will Be Updating Always In A While.
It's a GUI Diary Application where you can write or tell about your day that will be saved according to the date and time.
CHECK README. It's my full fledged full and final portfolio that I had been making since long.
It;'s a python GUI. In this GUI you can enter a mobile number and it can show you the country the number's in, the SIM company of that number and The exact Location of that number also.
House_Price_Prediction_Model_Test is a jupyter based model to predict the price of a house based on various factors., using Linear Regression Model From Sklearn Module.
All My Leetcode solutions.
Simple GUI made with python to Encrypt Any PDF file with password and you can also decrypt it if you want !!
Deployed in streamlit this is a proper web scrapper that gives you the scrapped data based on your requiremensts ... the way you will like it.