
In this project create Mini Bank application that will have the following functionalities.

Primary LanguageJava


In this project create Mini Bank application that will have the following funcationalities.
*View and Fetch Account Details
*Deposit and Withdraw Money
*view Previous Transactions
*Calculate Savings Interest
We will be using all the major Java programming concets such as variables and data tupes, loops, conditionals, and more. With that, we will also try to implement and Object-Oriented Programming concepts The very first step would be to accept the customer name and unique banking ID from the User followed b the user choice from the avilable menu. following would be the main menu Options-

  1. Check Balance
  2. Deposit
  3. Withdraw
  4. Previous Transaction
  5. Exit
    Depending on the choice entered.

The Approaching the Projectthe major focus of the project would be on Object-Oriented Programming, we will have a class that would be responsible for the creation of the user account object. A single account object would represent one customer.Thus, the idea behind using Object-Oriented Programming is to bring the factor of reusability.Therefore, this software can be used by as many users as needed by just creating a new object.