- Johnny Villegas
- Srihari Kapu
- Arturs Smirnovs
- Harsh Kumar Khatri
- Stephen Ajulu
- Haany Ali
- Nate Moore
- Jhey Tompkins
- Waylon Walker
- Vansh Kapoor
- Anurag Singh
- Rishit Dagli
- Vinit Shahdeo
- Fatih Kadir Akın
- Lucas Vazquez
- alx365
- "How To Create A GitHub Profile README 📝" - Arunkumarvallal
- "3 Ways to Spice up your Github Profile README 🔥" - Jaye Hernandez
- "Build a Stunning README For Your GitHub Profile" - Martin Heinz
- "How I added my Spotify statistics to my GitHub readme 📜" - Akshit Garg
- "What's on your GitHub Profile" - Waylon Walker
- "Building a self-updating profile README for GitHub" - Simon Willison
- "How to create an interactive README for your GitHub profile" - Kavish Hukmani
- "Dynamically Generated Github Stats For Your Profile ReadMe" - Anurag Hazra
- "How I Built A Self-Updating README On My Github Profile" - Michael Hoffmann (Mokkapps)
- "Show your latest dev.to posts automatically on your GitHub profile readme " - Gautam krishna R
- "How I Built A Self-Updating README by Webhooks and Netlify Functions" - Rao Hai
- "How To Create A GitHub Profile README" - Monica Powell
- "How to create an awesome GIF for your GitHub Profile README" - Satvik Chachra
- "Create a special repository in your GitHub Profile 🔨, supported and unsupported features" - Alex Malaszkiewicz
- "How to create a Github Profile README with Dynamic Github Stats" - Ghazi Khan