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ActiveMQ In Action

by Bruce Snyder, Rob Davies and Dejan Bosanac

Thank you for downloading the example source code from the book, ActiveMQ In Action. More information about this book can be found at the Manning website:


More information about Apache ActiveMQ can be found at the Apache Software Foundation website:


About The Book

ActiveMQ In Action is for software architects, developers, and integrators interested in enterprise message queuing in general and ActiveMQ in particular. This book is designed to serve as part introduction and part reference for both beginners and experienced application developers. It begins with an introduction to ActiveMQ and a high-level overview of JMS followed by a progressively deeper dive into ActiveMQ as the book advances.

The concepts discussed throughout this book assume that the reader possesses enough knowledge of Java EE to design and develop applications. Though such knowledge is not a strict requirement, it will make it easier to grasp many of the con- cepts touched upon throughout the chapters. Chapter 9 even discusses using ActiveMQ with languages other than Java, including C++, C#, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby.

Prerequisites for the Source Code

To build the source code, the following items are required:

  • Sun Java 1.5 or greater
  • Maven 2.2.x or greater
  • A broadband internet connection

Building the Source Code

Building the example source code is actually quite straighforward. From the command line, simply run the following Maven command:

$ mvn clean install

This command will automatically determine and download all dependencies for the build from the necessary remote Maven repostories , compile and package the source code, run the tests and install the resulting artifacts into your local Maven repository (located in ~/.m2/repository/). The build artifacts can be found in the target directories of each project (examples/target/, examples/chapter8/target/).

If you want to do everything except run the tests, just use the maven.test.skip system property to disable the test execution like so:

$ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install

Use of this propery this will execute every build phase except test execution. The build artifacts can be found in the target directories of each project (examples/target/, examples/chapter8/target/).

Asking Questions/Getting Help

If you have questions about the ActiveMQ In Action book, please post a message to the Manning book forum located here:


If you have question about the ActiveMQ software, please post a message to the ActiveMQ user mailing list. Information on subscribing to the mailing list or the Nabble forum are available here:


Accessing the Source Code

This source code is directly accessible from the Google Code project's Subversion source control repository available here:



The ActiveMQ In Action book was authored using DocBook XML and was processed using the Docbkx Tools Maven plug-in on Mac OS X. Other items that went into the book include MacBook Pros, Google Docs, GMail, Foonz (until it shut down), FreeConferenceCall.com, barking dogs during conference calls, company acquisitions, lots and lots of music, loud construction next door, sleepless nights, too much work on airplanes, and plain old exhaustion.

We hope you enjoy it!

Sincerely, Dejan, Rob and Bruce