
A face-recognition project with webcam, web-sockets and python

Primary LanguagePython



This is a project for recognizing faces in realtime in webcam. The application uses Python's Flask Server as the application server and Flask-SocketIO which gives Flask applications access to low latency bi-directional communications between the clients and the server.

Setting up Environment

1. Install Python 3.6.7

Install python 3.6.7 on your system by executing the following commands

foo@bar:~$ sudo apt update
foo@bar:~$ sudo apt install python3.6

2. Setup Python Virtual Environment

Run the follwing command to setup virtual environment in your system.

foo@bar:~$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Once you got everything right, execute the following to create a virtual environment

foo@bar:~$ mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 cv

This creates a virtual environment named cv based on python3 installed in your system. Now to use the virtual environment run the fowllowing command.

foo@bar:~$ workon cv

This will update your terminal to work on the newly created virtual environment cv. Your terminal should look something like:

(cv) foo@bar:~$ 

3. Install dependencies

Execute the following to install all the dependencies in the virtual environment you just setted up.

(cv) foo@bar:~$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Once all the dependencies are installed, you are ready to rock.

Running the Application

1. Start Server

From the virtual environment start server with command:

(cv) foo@bar:~$ python app.py

This will start a server running on port 5000. To check everything's working fine, check the output. It should be same as:

(cv) foo@bar:~$ python app.py
using eventlet

2. Run the application in Browser

Once everythings fine, open localhost:5000 on Chrome or any other browser.