
Modification of drupal module for current darksky.net forecast API

Primary LanguageCSS

Last edit

Module code edited and extended by arunas.paulauskas@gmail.com


The Dark Sky Forecast module provides a block that displays a subset of the most commonly used data points provided by the Dark Sky Forecast API. This module is intended to provide a very brief summary of the current weather forecast for a configured geo-location, including any weather advisories, alerts, or warnings.


This module requires an API key for accessing the Dark Sky Forecast API. A key can be obtained at https://developer.forecast.io.


Install as usual, according to http://drupal.org/node/895232.


Customize the menu settings in Configuration > Weather > Settings.

API key is required for accessing weather data. If you do not have an API key, you must obtain one from https://developer.forecast.io.

Latitude and Longitude must be set to the geolocation for which you want to retrieve forecast data.

Forecast Period defaults to "Current" for retrieving only the current weather conditions. Other options are:

  • Minutely provides forecast conditions for the next 60 minutes.
  • Hourly provides forecast conditions for the next 24 hours.
  • Daily provides forecast conditions for the next 7 days.

Cache Lifetime is the amount of time in seconds to cache retrieved forecast data. The Dark Sky API provides 1,000 API calls per day at no cost. This is subject to change at the discretion of The Dark Sky Company, LLC. The minimum recommended value is 90 seconds. This allows the forecast for current conditions to remain accurate at any given time, while keeping the number of API calls under 1,000 per day. This module ignores all caching settings under Configuration > Development > Performance.


This module provides a default template forecast.tpl.php that may be overridden in your theme. Data available to the template is documented in the default template file.

forecast.tpl.php is optimized for use with the Weather Icons set, which is purely optional and not included with this module. If you'd like to use it on your site, you can find it at https://erikflowers.github.io/weather-icons. If you would prefer to use another icon set or no set at all, you should override forecast.tpl.php in your theme.


Current maintainer is Erik Taylor - https://drupal.org/user/871384 (eriktaylor)