
HEROKU LINK: https://storemanagerkevin.herokuapp.com/

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status Maintainability Coverage Status

App Description

This is a store manager application that allows the stakeholders of a given store to perform actions such as:

  • Sign up to the application
  • Login to the application
  • Post a product
  • Post a Sale
  • Get all products
  • Get single product
  • Get all products
  • Get all sales
  • Get single sale


Take the following steps:

  1. Create a virtual enviroment with the command $ virtualenv -p python3 env
  2. Activate the virtual enviroment with the command $ source env/bin/activate
  3. Ensure you have installed GIT
  4. Clone the repository i.e $ git clone https://github.com/Arusey/Store-Manager-APP.git
  5. Install requirements $ pip install -r requirements.txt



Heroku Deploy


Running Tests

After completing the following, it is time to run the app

  1. To run the tests use $ pytest -v
  2. To run the application use export SECRET_KEY="<your secret key>"
  3. `export FLASK_APP=run.py'
  4. flask run

The following endpoints should be working:

Endpoint functionality contraints(requirements)
post /api/v1/auth/signup create a user user information
post /api/v1/auth/login login requires authentication
get /api/v1/products get all the products pass a token
get /api/v1/products/int:id return a single product product id, pass token
post /api/v1/products create a new product entry product data, pass token
post /api/v1/sales create a new sale product id, pass token
get /api/v1/sales get all sales entries pass token
get/api/v1/sales/ get a single sale entry sale id, pass token

Technologies used include:

  • Python
  • Flask
  • Flask-Restful
  • Json Web Tokens
  • Heroku
  • Travis CI
  • Coveralls
  • Code Climate


I would like to acknowledge the Andela Bootcamp 33 for facilitating this project