ZK based front end of the Arvato Systems t9t framework
Program icons and application / branding logos can be set in downstream projects.
- Add application_logo.png and company_logo.png into src/main/webapp/img/logo/ for the logo to be displayed in Login screen.
- Set version in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/resources/configuration.properties to display version of the customization
- to set sub.title on login page/ forgot password and tenant selection page. add 'login.sub.title' key into your label.properties
- to set the url when clicking the logo in home screen. add 'login.t9tapplication.url' key into your label.properties
- Icons for the main menu should go into src/main/webapp/img/menu/
You need to compile zk-ckeditor locally, it is not on maven central. The sources can be obtained from https://github.com/zkoss/zkckeditor Or get it from the ZKOSS maven repositories. If you do not have ZK EE, then build with -DZKCE. (Some controls such as a multi selection dropdown will be missing in this case.)