Stepper Motor Library (Linear Speed to Motor Movement) for A4988/LV8729/TB6600 and other similar motor drivers for all Arduino platfprms.
- Written for A4988/LV8729/TB6600 and other similar drivers which can operate from 1 to 128 microsteps
- You can change parameter as you use in your own setup (MCU PINS)
- Inputs : SPEED - MOVEMENT (UNIT : mm/s - mm)
- Serial Debugger is used for monitoring actions, So initialize serial monitor before starting
You can change calibration parameters in code manually according to your usage and setup
- Date : 9/17/2022
- By Arvin Delavari - Iran University of Science and Technology
- E-MAIL :
- LinkedIn : arvin-delavari
- Instagram: @arvin_delavari