
Want to know more about me? Just fire up your terminal and type 'npx hello-arvind-cli' 🚀

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hello Arvind CLI 👋

A command-line tool to learn more about me directly in your terminal ;)

How to Run 🏃‍♂️

To run the script, fire up your preferred terminal and use the following command: (Make sure you have node installed first)

npx hello-arvind-cli



Create your own

Creating your own npx introduction command can be a fun and creative way to share information about yourself. Here's a guide on how to make your own npx introduction command:

  • What's npx? The npx command allows you to run Node.js-based packages without having to globally install them. So you guessed it right, we'll be creating and hosting your own package on the npm registry.

Step-1: Create a new project

Start by creating a new project directory for your npx command. Use a meaningful name for your project:

mkdir npx-intro-command
cd npx-intro-command

Step 2: Set Up Your Project

Initialize your project with a package.json file. You can do this by running:

npm init -y

Step 3: Create Your Introduction Script

Create a new file, let's say index.js, and write the script that displays your introduction. You can include details such as your name, interests, skills, and links:

#!/usr/bin/env node

👋 Hello there! I'm [Your Name].
🚀 [A brief description of yourself and your interests.]
💻 Skills: [List some of your skills or technologies you're familiar with.]

Let's connect:
🌐 GitHub: https://github.com/[YourGitHubUsername]
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/[YourTwitterHandle]
🔗 LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/[YourLinkedInProfile]

Happy coding!

Step 4: Make It Executable

Make sure your script is executable by running:

chmod +x index.js

Also, include bin in your package.json:

"bin": {
  "npx-intro-command": "./index.js"

Step 5: Test Locally

  • Run npm link (A command that allows you to create a symbolic link between a local package and a global installation. This is particularly useful during development when you want to test a package before publishing it.)
  • Try running it using npx package-name
  • If it works, unlink the package using npm unlink

Step 6: Publish to npm

If everything looks good, you can publish your script to npm. Make sure you have an npm account and are logged in:

  • Login to npm from your terminal using npm login
  • Publish your package to registry using the command npm publish

And that's it, you're done! I'd love to see the intros you come up with. Feel free to share them on Twitter @ArvindParekh_21.