
Two pass system assembler using python syntax

Primary LanguagePython

Project name : Basic Computer Assembler

Welcome to Project 2 of CSE311 Computer Organization!

In this project, I will be building a very simple assembler for the Basic Computer Instruction Set Architecture as per M.Mano's book "Computer System Architecture"

The Basic Computer has a 16-bit instruction divided into 12-bit address, 3-bit opcode and 1-bit for addressing mode.

The Basic Computer's ISA supports 25 instructions categorized as following:

  • Memory-Reference Instructions (MRI) : 7 instructions
  • Register-Reference Instructions (RRI) : 12 instructions
  • Input-Output Instructions (IOI) : 6 instructions

The detailed instructions and their corresponding binary representations are saved in three files mri.txt for memory-reference instructions, rri.txt for register-reference instructions and finally ioi.txt for input-output instructions. Each file contains the instructions each in a separate line, and each line has the instruction and its representation separated by a space. No empty lines are allowed in this file (however, this case is not programmed to raise any errors in the implemented code, yet). The Instruction Set supported by this assembler can be changed by modifying the three mentioned files.

However, there are only 4 pseudo-instructions supported by this assembler: ORG, END, HEX and DEC. These instructions do not have a direct binary mapping, but are instructions to the assembler to behave in a certain way during the first and second passes. Your implementation of the first and second pass of this project should consider only these four pseudo-instructions.

Assembly Language Rules

The assembly code supported by this simple assembler must stick to some basic rules otherwise it will yield unpredictable results.

  • Each line consists of four parts:
    1. Label's column (optional): 3 characters followed by a comma followed by the instruction in the same line. Any label that is not following this convention must yield an error. For example, the following code is invalid:
      BUN ROT
      Instead, you should write the previous code in the following format:
      ROT, CIL
      BUN ROT
    2. Instruction's column (required): This column can have any of the supported instructions.
    3. Operand's column (optional): the operand must correspond to a label included in this assembly code. Reference to labels that do not exist in the same assembly file must cause an error.
    4. Addressing mode flag (optional): add I if the instruction is indirect.
    5. Comments' column (optional): starts with / followed by any text. This whole text will be discarded by the assembler and serves the purpose of documentation only.
  • There is at least one space between every column.
  • Addresses placed after ORG are in hexadecimal and are written directly without preceding it with any special characters i.e. 100 is actually (32)10.
  • Similar to the last point, labels created using the HEX pseudo instruction should also be without any special characters and should directly write the hexadecimal digits i.e. AC41.

First, I check an example at testcode.asm and testcode.mc for the assembly code and the assembled binary machine code, respectively. In the output file, the first column corresponds to the memory location (12 bits), and the second column corresponds to the translated binary representation of the instructions (16 bits).


The class Assembler has 6 methods already implemented. It has 7 data structures to save the input assembly code, address symbol table, the instruction set tables and other important information necessary for the assembly.

After the second pass, the private property __bin (of type dict) should have the binary representation of every assembly instructions as values and their location in memory as keys. The public method assemble() returns that object after completing the second pass so that it can be used to store the binary output in a file or send it to the standard output.

The project aim

The aim of this project is to write the code of the __first_pass(self) and __second_pass(self) methods of the Assembler class. The flowchart of the first pass and second pass can be found in Mano's book[1]. I used the implemented methods when needed or write my own methods to complete this target.

Eventually, I translated all instructions and locations into binary format, and that all binary locations (or addresses) are 12-bit and all binary instructions are 16-bit. If a binary number's length is less than 12 or 16, it must be left-padded with zeros. Moreover, notice that the keys and values at __bin are binary numbers of type string i.e. '00111010011' not actual integers.

The output should be


If the implementation has an issue, it will be TEST FAILED instead.


The following is the detailed ISA:

Memory-Reference Instructions (MRI) : (7)

Instruction Binary Representation
AND I000xxxxxxxxxxxx
ADD I001xxxxxxxxxxxx
LDA I010xxxxxxxxxxxx
STA I011xxxxxxxxxxxx
BUN I100xxxxxxxxxxxx
BSA I101xxxxxxxxxxxx
ISZ I110xxxxxxxxxxxx

These instructions have one operand, which is an address in memory. Each instruction starts with the addressing mode bit (I). If I = 0, the addressing is direct, which means that the address (the 12-bit x's) holds the value of the operand. However, if I=1, the addressing is indirect which means the address holds the value of the address of the actual operand.

Register-Reference Instructions (RRI) (12)

Instruction Binary Representation
CLA 0111100000000000
CLE 0111010000000000
CMA 0111001000000000
CME 0111000100000000
CIR 0111000010000000
CIL 0111000001000000
INC 0111000000100000
SPA 0111000000010000
SNA 0111000000001000
SZA 0111000000000100
SZE 0111000000000010
HLT 0111000000000001

These instructions don't have any operands and are translated directly into machine code.

Input-Output Instructions (IOI) (6)

Instruction Binary Representation
INP 1111100000000000
OUT 1111010000000000
SKI 1111001000000000
SKO 1111000100000000
ION 1111000010000000
IOF 1111000001000000

Similar to RRI, these instructions don't have any operands and are translated directly into machine code.

Pseudo Instructions

There are four more instructions that can appear in the assembly code which does not directly map into a binary representation: ORG, END, HEX, and DEC. These instructions tell the assembler that their location has a special meaning.


[1] M. Mano, “Computer System Architecture,” Pearson Publisher, 3rd Edition, 1992.


This project was created by Mostafa Soliman and Osama Adel, 12 Decemeber 2020.

This code was written by Arwa Fawzy, 5 December 2022.