
This repo contains my projects in operating system course

Primary LanguagePython


Project 1 Challenge:

The aim of the project is to create a windows service to collect data about my PC workload.

  • Service should collect operating system workload such as (CPU, Memory, HDD, and Network usage) and save workload into text file.
  • The service should send an email every 12 hours attaching the text file.

The output for the reciever is as shown below


The text file of workload info is shown below


The sent email is shown below


Project 2 Challenge:

The aim of this project is to create a python windows project that implement multithreading concepts.

  • The objective is to draw two simple shapes (circle and rectangle) each one in a separate thread
  • Reading the book C# how to program 6th edition chapter 23 Asynchronous Programming with async and await and applying its procedures

The output of the two threads is shown below:


Project 3 Challenge:

The third project challenge was to write a full chapter — chapter 10 — in an operating system book titled "AI-OS: A Comprehensive Survey of Operating Systems Driven by Artificial Intelligence." The chapter is titled with INTELLIGENT PROCESS SCHEDULING for Optimizing System Resources Utilization with AI. For this chapter, I explored three different papers that implemented AI algorithms to optimize system resources utilization and enhance performance in operating systems. The first paper, "A Multi-Optimization Technique for Improvement of Hadoop Performance with a Dynamic Job Execution Method Based on Artificial Neural Network," demonstrated the potential for using AI algorithms to improve the efficiency and scalability of distributed computing systems. The second paper, "Organization Based Intelligent Process Scheduling Algorithm (OIPSA)," introduced a novel process scheduling algorithm that utilizes AI techniques to optimize resource utilization and improve system performance. Lastly, the paper titled "Comparative Analysis of Process Scheduling Algorithm using AI models" presented a comparative analysis of different AI-based process scheduling algorithms and their effectiveness in optimizing system resources utilization. These papers provide valuable insights into the use of AI algorithms to enhance system performance and resource utilization in operating systems.

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