
A simple voice conversion project

Primary LanguagePython

Voice Conversion

This simple project started with a goal to convert someone's voice to a specific target voice. Traditionally, people deal with this kind of work through two steps -- speech recognition and speech sythesis. My implementation contains these two modules, too. However, the intermediate results are phoneme sequence instead of real words. To simplify the work, I only used CBHG module mentioned in Tacotron to build those two models mentioned above.

Phoneme Sequence Labeling Model

The input is mel-scale spectrogram. The output is phoneme squence. I trained the model on TIMIT. According to my evaluation, with only one CBHG module, it could achieve about 75% accuracy on the test set.

Speech Sythesis Model

This model is like an inverse process of phoneme sequence model. The input is phoneme squence and the output is spectrogram.

First, I made a few test on an anonymous woman's voice in LJSpeech. These results sound ok. Two examples can be found in test_files with the suffix 'ljs'.

Then I obtained a corpus spoken by Tom Hiddleston. Since the size of the corpus too small (<1h), the results did not turn out to be good enough. Two examples can be found in test_files with the suffix 'dousen'.

Quick Start

Installing dependencies

  1. Install Python 3.

  2. Install the latest version of TensorFlow for your platform. For better performance, install with GPU support if it's available. This code works with TensorFlow 1.4 and later.

  3. Install requirements: The packages in requirements.txt may not be all necessary, I just freezed my workspace and got tired of cleaning it.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Using a pre-trained model

  1. Download and unpack the models:

    After unpacking, your tree should look like this:

      |- logdir
          |- model.ckpt-6000.data-00000-of-00001
          |- model.ckpt-6000.index
          |- model.ckpt-6000.meta
     |- logdir_dousen
          |- model.ckpt-60000.data-00000-of-00001
          |- model.ckpt-60000.index
          |- model.ckpt-60000.meta
     |- logdir_ljs
          |- model.ckpt-50000.data-00000-of-00001
          |- model.ckpt-50000.index
          |- model.ckpt-50000.meta
  2. Change the parameters in eval2.py and run it:

    origin_file is the origin wav file path you want to convert.

    target_file is the target wav file path you want to convert.

    checkpoint_path is the path you may want to change to convert voice into ljspeech annoymous woman or Tom Hiddleston.