
Address Optimizer which can reduce the redundancies in the address.

Primary LanguagePython


Steps to Access

FastAPI Server

  • Clone the repo in your local machine and setup python environment. Create .env file with API_KEY of Opencage.
  • Install all the required packages in python virtual enviroment pip install requirements.txt
  • Run python main.py in the root directory of the project.




Address Formatter is built from the ground-up with a JSON API that makes it easy for developers and sysadmins to optimize the uneven complex residential address.

Use Cases

Address Formatter Api incorporates various use cases related to address formatting. The most common use case is to update the address for Aadhar Card, if there is some big typo or errors in the address. It supports 15 regional languages because in India apart from English lot of other languages are also spoken.


All API requests require the use OpenCage API key. You can create your own API key, by navigating to the OpenCage docs.


1. Formatting the English Address

POST /https://addressformatteruidai.herokuapp.com/docs#/Address-Formatting/addressformattereng_addressformatter__post
Parameter Type
address json

Request Body

  "building": "string",
  "street": "string",
  "landmark": "string",
  "locality": "string",
  "vtc": "string",
  "district": "string",
  "state": "string"


Many API endpoints return the JSON representation of the resources created or edited. Address Formatter returns a JSON response in the following format:

  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "Formatted address": "string",
    "address": {
      "suburb": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "county": "string",
      "state_district": "string",
      "state": "string",
      "postcode": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "country_code": "string",
      "house no.": "string"

The Formatted address attribute contains the optimized address in a pretty format

The address attribute contains all the details related to address like zipcode, city_district, city, country, state in a JSON format.

2. Formatting the Regional Address

POST /https://addressformatteruidai.herokuapp.com/docs#/Address-Formatting/addressformatterregional_addressformatterregionallanguages__post
Parameter Type
text(in regional language) string


Address Formatter for regional language returns a JSON response in the following format:

  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "Formatted address": "string",
    "address": {
      "address": {
        "amenity": "string",
        "road": "string",
        "neighbourhood": "string",
        "suburb": "string",
        "city_district": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "county": "string",
        "state_district": "string",
        "state": "string",
        "postcode": "string",
        "country": "string",
        "country_id": "string"

The Formatted address attribute contains the optimized address in a pretty format

The address attribute contains all the details related to address like road ,neighbourhood ,suburb ,zipcode, city_district, city, country, amenity in a JSON format.

Status Codes

Gophish returns the following status codes in its API:

Status Code Description
200 OK