
The Shiksha Arpan Platform is an online educational application that aims to connect students with expert tutors to address their doubts and provide interactive learning experiences. It serves as a virtual classroom where students can seek assistance in various subjects and receive personalized guidance through 1:1 online sessions.

Primary LanguageCSS

Shiksha Arpan Platform - UI Design and Development

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Shiksha Arpan is a well-structured platform for educational discussions, enabling users to enhance their knowledge, seek help from experts, and connect with others who share similar interests. The user interface seems user-friendly, with clear navigation and an inviting design.

As part of a highly competitive web development challenge with over 1100 participants, I secured 6th place by designing and developing the User Interface (UI) for two essential features of the Shiksha Arpan Platform. This project emphasized creating an intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly experience to engage and retain users.


Shiksha Arpan Platform Preview

Table of Contents

Project Objectives

  • Create an Intuitive and Immersive User Experience: Design a user-friendly interface that encourages exploration and utilization of the platform's functionalities.
  • Promote Key Functionalities: Focus on prominently featuring the "Ask Doubts" functionality and other key features, highlighting the platform's benefits.
  • Develop Two Essential Features: Design and develop the UI for the Community Discussion Forum and the Enhanced Tutor Matching Algorithm.

Feature 1: Community Discussion Forum

  • Interactive Discussion Threads: Users can start new discussions or join existing ones, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
  • Category Navigation: Easy access to various categories such as Amazon AWS, React, Mathematics, Physics, and more, allowing users to find relevant topics quickly.
  • User Engagement: Features like upvoting answers, tagging topics, and a visually appealing layout to enhance user participation and interaction.

Feature 2: Enhanced Tutor Matching Algorithm

  • Personalized Tutor Selection: Users can select tutors based on their subject needs (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) and availability.
  • Detailed Tutor Profiles: Display tutor profiles with their expertise, response time, and availability, helping users make informed decisions.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that the tutor matching feature is accessible and easy to use across all devices.

Key Features

  • Educational Focus: The platform is designed for sharing knowledge and solving doubts in various academic and technical fields.

  • Interactive Discussions: Users can engage in discussions, ask questions, and provide answers, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

  • Expert Assistance: Instructors are available to provide expert guidance on specific topics.

  • Captivating Visual Design: Utilized modern design principles to create a visually appealing interface that attracts and retains users.

  • Responsive Design: Ensured the design is fully responsive, providing an optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes.


Here are some screenshots of the Shiksha Arpan Platform:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4


  • User Engagement: The design effectively encourages users to engage with the platform's features, promoting active participation in discussions and efficient tutor matching.
  • Positive First Impressions: The home page and key features create a strong first impression, drawing users into the platform and motivating them to explore further.
  • Recognition: Achieved 6th place out of over 1100 candidates, demonstrating the effectiveness and creativity of the design.


This project showcases my ability to blend creativity with functionality, delivering a design that not only looks good but also enhances the user experience. The Shiksha Arpan platform's home page, community discussion forum, and tutor matching algorithm UI stand as a testament to my skills in web development and user-centered design, capable of meeting and exceeding project objectives.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • GSAP - (GreenSock Animation Platform)
  • Responsive design techniques
  • UI/UX design principles

How to Clone and Run the Project

To clone and run this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/your-username/shiksha-arpan-platform.git