OYO Rooms Clone

OYO Rooms end-end clone with integrationg payment gateway,Google maps,OAuth,SMS notifications.

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  • Google Auto-search location
  • pagination
  • filtering in listing page
  • Integration of Google maps
  • pin nearby hotels on map
  • Google Analytics
  • OTP login
  • Google OAuth login
  • Select type of rooms
  • check availability of rooms
  • recommendations based on meta data
  • Integrate Payment Gateway
  • send emails to user on booking confirmation.

Overview of Application:

  1. Home Page


  2. Login Page


  3. Listing Page


  4. Entity Page

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  1. Payment Page

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  1. Booking confirmation Page


Table of Contents

About The Project

A Clone of oyorooms.com. Key Features

  • User can book hotels.
  • OAuth login and registration.
  • User can filter listing of apartments according to services provided.
  • Recommendation logic based on filters applied by user.
  • Check the availability of hotels.
  • Book a hotel by paying through payment gateway.

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


  • npm
npm install npm@latest -g
  • pip
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo pip install virtualenv


  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/satishbonam/EYO-rooms.git
  1. For Frontend,install NPM packages
npm install
  1. For Backend,create virtual environment and install pip packages from requirements.txt
virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt