
This repo this for my code submissions for online events.

Primary LanguageShell

This repo this for storing my code submissions for online events.

User Manual

There are 3 main commands as of now

  • getCppFile.sh To make cpp file at the required position also open it with the $EDITOR.
  • run.sh To compiler and run the file with appropriate flags (EXTENSION_LESS(do not need to tell the type of the file, it will understand by the extension provided.))
  • debug.sh To debug the file using gdb TUI mode.

For getCppFile.sh


getCppFile.sh leetcode <Question ID>

getCppFile.sh <any other category> <name of the file>

For run.sh


run.sh (runs the last edited file!)

run.sh <path of the source code file>


it saves the binary file in the bin folder, under the type of file (cf | leetcode | others)

eg. bin/leetcode/443/a.out

For debug.sh


debug.sh (debug the last compiled or debugged binary file!)

debug.sh <path of the source code file>


it opens gdb with tui mode and breakpoint "main function" of the file path passed or it will take it from LAST_USED_BINARY_FILE_PATH. also sets LAST_USED_BINARY_FILE_PATH to the current debug file.

eg. bin/leetcode/443/a.out

The programming languages I am using are

  • Python (I am learning currently)
  • Java
  • C/Cpp

Text Editor/IDEs

  • neovim (I will post my vim script too for this, and will try to make it minimal)
  • maybe VSVode? idk

Folders Struct

  • leetcode (contains leetcode submissions)
  • cf (contains codeforces submissions)
  • DSA practice maybe
  • others (contains other than these)
  • utils (the bash scripts I am using to get templates, compile, and debug)
  • bin (to store binaries, will be under gitignore, but important for running compilation)

Some global variables I will use will update later.

I don't know how successful it will be, but I am planning to somehow record the time I required for thinking, writing, and debugging each solution, using some bash scripts.


  • Build a naming convention for both cf and leetcode
    • for leetcode
      • including binary files convention
    • for cf
      • including binary files convention
  • get basic compilation scripts for each lang respectively
    • for cpp
    • java
    • python
  • get basic template build script for each lang
    • for cpp
      • leetcode
      • cf
      • others basic
    • java
    • python
  • the template should include the URL for the problem, timestamps (later), and other attributes like, did I see the solution before coding , number of compilations, and what other important links are there for this solution, notes.
  • go extensionless for compiling and generating scripts
    • for compilation
    • for layout generation
    • for debugging
  • bash script for scoring habit tracking points!
  • maybe if I continue with this, a way to store test cases and test them automatically

Todo for compilation script cpp As I m using cpp the most rn its easier to start with that only

  • include fsanitise=address
  • storing binary files
  • add debug script too
    • at least gdb one