AWS CloudFormation Project


This project provides AWS CloudFormation templates for provisioning a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with public and private subnets, a VPN client, and an Aurora Serverless RDS database. The project is designed to be deployed on two AWS accounts.

Project Structure

project-root/ │ ├── templates/ │ ├── template-vpc.yaml │ ├── template-vpn.yaml │ ├── template-rds.yaml │ ├── deploy/ │ ├── │ ├──

  • templates/: Directory containing CloudFormation templates for VPC, VPN, and RDS.
  • deploy/: Directory containing the deployment script (
  • This documentation file.


  1. AWS CLI: Ensure that the AWS CLI is installed on your machine.
  2. AWS Credentials: Configure the AWS CLI with the necessary credentials. You can use multiple profiles (account1 and account2).

Deployment Steps

  1. Configuration:

    • Modify placeholder values in CloudFormation templates (template-rds.yaml, template-vpc.yaml, template-vpn.yaml) with actual configurations.
  2. Deployment Script:

    • Run the deployment script using the following command:
      bash deploy/
  3. Verification:

    • After deployment, verify resources in the AWS Management Console.
    • Use AWS CLI to check the status of CloudFormation stacks.

Important Notes

  • Ensure that IAM user in the target AWS account has required permissions for resource creation.

  • Replace placeholder values with actual configurations in CloudFormation templates.

  • The template-vpn.yaml requires an existing VPC as a parameter. If you don't have any existing VPC, create one by running the template-vpc.yaml.