
Analysis of election results and of the turnout for each county prior to submission to the election commission.

Primary LanguagePython


Project Overview

Analyze the data provided by a local election and determine the following:

  1. The total number of votes cast.
  2. A complete list of candidates who received votes.
  3. The percentage of votes each candidate won.
  4. The total number of votes each candidate won. 5.The winner of the election based on popular vote.


  • Data Source : Election_results.csv
  • Software: Python 3.7.6, Visual Studio Code, 1.52.1


The analysis of the election demonstrates that:

  • There were 369,711 votes cast in the election.

  • The candidates of the election were:

    • Charles Casper Stockham
    • Diana DeGette
    • Raymon Anthony Doane
  • The final results of the election were:

    • Charles Casper Stockham received 23.0% of the vote and 85,213 number of votes.
    • Diana DeGette received 73.8% of the vote and 272,892 number of votes.
    • Raymon Anthony Doane received 3.1% of the vote and 11,606 number of votes.
  • The winner of the election was:

    • Diana DeGette, who received 73.8% of the vote and 272,892 number of votes.

Challenge Overview

The purpose of this election audit analysis is to identify the distribution of votes in different counties, therefore determining which county had the largest voting turnout. The winner of the election is also identified based on the vote count, and the final percentage of votes received in the election.

Challenge Summary

After analyzing the election results, the following can be deduced:

  • In total, there were 369,711 votes cast in the congressional election.


  • An estimation of the election vote per county can be found below:
    • Denver accounted for 82.8% or 306,055 votes cast in the election.
    • Jefferson accounted for 10.5% or 38,855 votes cast in the election.
    • Arapahoe accounted for 6.7% or 24,801 cast in the election.


  • As demonstrated, Denver county had the largest number of votes in the congressional election.

  • As indicated in the election results:

    • Charles Casper Stockham received 85,213 votes, representing 23.0% of the total vote.
    • Diana DeGette obtained 272,892 votes, representing 73.8% of the total vote.
    • Raymon Anthony Doane received 11,606 votes, representing 3.1% of the total vote.
  • The winner of the election is Diana DeGette, who won by receiving 272,892 votes, which represents 73.8% of the total vote.



The analysis above provides an overview which will help Seth and Tom by facilitating the submission of the election audit results to the election commission. This script can be integrated to any electoral process in order to determine different components of an election, such as: candidate name, candidate number and participation, county name, county participation, number of votes, district and national elements, volunteer involvement, parties represented, municipality participation, voting by anticipation, number of voting polls, winning candidates and percentages. This script provides a decomposable and understandable way to assemble different elements of an election, by providing a precise and concise analysis of an electoral dataset. It can be modified to include the number of voting polls and volunteers, as well as the official parties and states represented by the candidates.