A simple command line AI tool which you can use to write blogs.
I built this as my final coding project as part of the Codedex Python Certification
OpenAI module
Dotenv module
(Discarded in final release)
This project requires paid openAI credits which is why I have not comitted my openAI key in the repository to protect my own credits.
The openai.api_key = config['API_KEY']
calls for the hidden API key in the .env
file, which I have added in the gitignore file
def generate_blog(paragraph_topic):
response = openai.completions.create(
model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct',
prompt = 'Write a paragraph about the following topic. ' + paragraph_topic,
max_tokens = 400,
temperature = 0.3
This thing above defines our chat gpt model, although I can change it if I want.
- The prompt = gives the predefined sentence prompt to our gpt, with us just needing the topic from the user.
- The max_tokens basically defines how big our answers can be, and 400 is very big. 400 is not the number of characters or words by the way.
And there is a reason I am not defining the
user_input = input("Give the topic you want to know about: ")
The above code is pretty obvious I think
That's when our loop comes into play. We are obviously not gonna just only let the user ask us once.
Not that I am in any shortage of openAI credits. And if I was, you wouldn't know about it anyway.
while keep_writing:
answer = input('Write a paragraph? Y for yes, anything else for no. ')
if (answer == 'Y'):
paragraph_topic = input('What should this paragraph talk about? ')
keep_writing = False
Actually, openAI API pricing is really genuine, unless you are planning to build an industry level application.
Don't worry, I gotchu.
- create a
file in the project folder and Add this simple line there
I have uploaded the executable version of this program which uses my openAI token (which you can't see haha). Go ahead and download it!