
Problem Statement

Chatbot to respond to text queries pertaining to various Acts, Rules, and Regulations applicable to Mining industries


  1. Answers basic queries pertaining to anything in general like a smart chatbot.
  2. Answers queries accurately related to rules, regulations and information about Indian Mining Industries in a detailed manner.

Local Setup and Installation

To get the chatbot running locally on your own device, install Langchain and other required dependencies:

pip install langchain openai chromadb tiktoken unstructured streamlit googletrans==3.1.0a0

Head over to constants.py and insert your own OpenAI API key.

To run the pdf_reader:

  1. Create a python virtual environment and a .env file
  2. Create and insert your own replicate api key as enviornment variable
REPLICATE_API_TOKEN = <your replicate api token>
  1. Finally install all the required dependencies
pip install langchain tiktoken replicate streamlit_chat pypdf faiss-cpu sentence_transformers

Running the bot at your terminal:

To run the chatbot load your preferred .txt file.

> python chatbotCore.py
Input some text:

To run the pdf reader type in the following command at your terminal after following the instructions given in the Setup section

> streamlit run <path of your folder>.venv/pdfbot.py