Emotion Based Music Recommendation System

Project details:

  • Emotion based music recommender system takes the live feed from the camera and predict the mood(emotion) of the user.
  • Based on user mood, system recommend the music playlist.
  • Playlist are predefined on the database and result will be fetch according to the model predictions.
  • User interface will be website created using HTML CSS Bootstrap and JavaScript
  • Model may be completely trained from scratch or fine-tunned on pretrained model on architecture such as Mobilenet for low latency improved with haar cascade.

Primary Language: Python


Deployment: Web based / Website

  • Backend

  • Database (.csv or Sqlite3)

  • Python and library numpy pandas sklearn extensively used

  • Deep Learning model (Tensorflow Keras hyperparameter finetuned model)

  • Model deployment using flask on website

  • Frontend

  • HTML CSS and Bootstrap

  • JavaScript

  • Libraries in use: o Numpy o Pandas o Matplotlib o Cv2 o OS o Random o Tqdm o Tensorflow o Keras o Sklearn o Flask o smtplib